The Gutsy Life – Amanda Richey Life Coach

Ready to Crush Your Goals?

I can help you ACTUALLY achieve your goals with confidence and ease in as little as 3 months


Goal Setting

How to Reflect on Your Year

year in review

A Birthday Year in Review What is a Year in Review? What is this practice of a year in review? It’s a way to reflect on your year and your life to see where you have been, what you’ve done, and the lessons that you can learn. It is a way to understand where you […]

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Impossible Goals

goal setting

  I have been writing a series all about goal setting now that we are into the new year and resolution go time. I have been looking into mindset and the brain and how that inhibits or allows us to achieve our goals. The key I have discovered is that no matter the goal, the […]

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Who do You Have To BE to Achieve Your Goals?

  It is the third week in January…and you know what that means? Most people have already given up on their New Year’s Resolutions! It sounds crazy that after such a short time people would have already given up, but I understand…I am all ready feeling the enormity of my goals and the excitement has […]

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Expectations and Goal Setting

It is week three of 2020 and I am feeling overwhelmed by my goals and my plans for myself this year and the next ten years. Am I alone? I spent the whole month of December focused on all things goal setting and it brought up a lot of ‘feelings’ for me about my own […]

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