The Gutsy Life – Amanda Richey Life Coach

Ready to Crush Your Goals?

I can help you ACTUALLY achieve your goals with confidence and ease in as little as 3 months


Mindset and Thought Work

How to Change Your Life By Changing Your Thoughts

Everything in your life begins with a thought, and thus changing your life will require changing your thoughts. This may sound extreme, but every action we take is a response to a thought in our brain. We think a thought and then our brain produces an emotional response, which then prompts us to either take […]

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How to Form Good Habits and Kick the Bad Ones

The Secret is in Your Brain Introduction: Forming good habits and ditching bad ones is all about understanding your brain. Your brain is hardwired for survival. In survival mode, the brain focuses on 1) Conserving as much energy as possible and 2) Scanning the world for any possible threat to that survival. Very noble of […]

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Your Brain, Willpower, Motivation and Limiting Beliefs

Brain science and motivation

How Your Brain is Keeping You From Going For It in Life Understanding how your brain works is hugely important if you want to go for it in life, overcome your limiting beliefs, increase your willpower, and motivation, and step through fear to live the Gutsy Life. That is why I am diving into the […]

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Get to Know Yourself with the Four Dominant Personality Types

Who doesn’t love a Quiz, am I right?! Especially one that identifies your dominant personality type! I know there are tons of quizzes out there about personalities: Which Disney Princess you are, or what Marvel superhero you are most like… All joking aside, knowing your inherent tendencies and the unique mix of strengths and weaknesses […]

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How to Deal with Your Stress

how to deal with stress

Advice from a Life Coach and the Book Burnout by Emily and Amelia Nagoski Stress gets a lot of attention these days. The medical community is beginning to realize that stress is at the root of most of our leading causes of death around the world: heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, eating disorders, suicide, the […]

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How to Deal with Negative Emotions

This is the Part Where You Embrace the Suck We are often faced with the question: how do I deal with negative emotions? When things are hard, you are experiencing negative emotions, and changing your thoughts is not enough, two tools that will help you are: 1. Embrace the suck and 2. Remind yourself that […]

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Defining Your Personal Core Values

core values

What is a Value? Identifying Personal Core Values is one of the first activities I do with my coaching clients because values are often the source behind the big goals and life changes that brought my clients to work with me in the first place. Helping them to get clear on those values from the […]

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Six Steps to Develop an Abundance Mindset

How to develop an abundance mindset

Plus a Quiz  Are you wondering what is the meaning of scarcity and abundance mindset? Are you wondering which one you have? Don’t worry I’ve got you covered! We will talk all about how to spot a mindset of scarcity and how to develop an abundance mindset. Abundance is a word that gets thrown around […]

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