The Gutsy Life – Amanda Richey Life Coach

Ready to Crush Your Goals?

I can help you ACTUALLY achieve your goals with confidence and ease in as little as 3 months


Mindset and Thought Work

Willpower and Motivation

Motivation and Willpower

Understanding your brain so you can push through to the Gutsy Life Have you ever wondered if there is a way to improve or increase willpower, self control and motivation? In this post I cover the science behind your brain so you can understand willpower and motivation and maximize both. The key to understanding willpower […]

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Overcoming Self-Doubt

overcoming self doubt

Self-doubt is a common topic among my group of friends, am I right? Especially with women, self-doubt tends to be the main reason women hold themselves back form really going for it in life. The truth is: self-doubt is a limiting belief; it is based on many limiting beliefs you have been telling yourself or […]

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This is Your Brain on Fear

Overcome fear

Overcoming fear starts with understanding that fear is a primitive emotion that creates a mostly automatic alarm system in our body to warn against threats to survival. Fear is a feeling. Feelings are physical responses in the body. This feeling comes from our thoughts. Millenia ago, when our brains were first evolving fear existed as […]

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