The Gutsy Life – Amanda Richey Life Coach

Ready to Crush Your Goals?

I can help you ACTUALLY achieve your goals with confidence and ease in as little as 3 months


Mindset and Thought Work

Defining Your Personal Core Values

core values

What is a Value? Identifying Personal Core Values is one of the first activities I do with my coaching clients because values are often the source behind the big goals and life changes that brought my clients to work with me in the first place. Helping them to get clear on those values from the […]

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Six Steps to Develop an Abundance Mindset

How to develop an abundance mindset

Plus a Quiz  Are you wondering what is the meaning of scarcity and abundance mindset? Are you wondering which one you have? Don’t worry I’ve got you covered! We will talk all about how to spot a mindset of scarcity and how to develop an abundance mindset. Abundance is a word that gets thrown around […]

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Willpower and Motivation

Motivation and Willpower

Understanding your brain so you can push through to the Gutsy Life Have you ever wondered if there is a way to improve or increase willpower, self control and motivation? In this post I cover the science behind your brain so you can understand willpower and motivation and maximize both. The key to understanding willpower […]

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Overcoming Self-Doubt

overcoming self doubt

Self-doubt is a common topic among my group of friends, am I right? Especially with women, self-doubt tends to be the main reason women hold themselves back form really going for it in life. The truth is: self-doubt is a limiting belief; it is based on many limiting beliefs you have been telling yourself or […]

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This is Your Brain on Fear

Overcome fear

Overcoming fear starts with understanding that fear is a primitive emotion that creates a mostly automatic alarm system in our body to warn against threats to survival. Fear is a feeling. Feelings are physical responses in the body. This feeling comes from our thoughts. Millenia ago, when our brains were first evolving fear existed as […]

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