Self-Improvement Resources for the Four Personality Types
I know a lot of people out there who would love to work on their mindset, crush some goals, and get out of their own way, but the resources they find to help them just don’t work.
The truth is; there are lots of self-improvement resources out there to crush your goals, change your mindset, and be a badass, and they work, all of them, BUT they may not ALL work for you.
I had a friend mention to me once that she HATED when people told her (or self-help books told her) to just think positive! If that were all it took, she would. But for her she hated overly positive, optimism (she is very analytical) and this got me thinking…for her, positive thoughts and affirmations were just going to frustrate her…so what would an analytical person like my friend enjoy and use well in the self-improvement tools department?
So I have created a list!
If you have struggled with self-help and self-improvement resources in the past and you often find yourself asking
“what is my problem!?”
Chances are you haven’t found the right fit. Check out this post all about personality types and take the Personality Purpose Quiz to identify where you fall in the Four Personality Types and then get on with your self-improvement journey!
Here is How:
Identify your personality type by taking the Personality Purpose Quiz. Here is a Quick Recap:

Self-Improvement Resources for Expressives
The Relationship-driven Extrovert
Expressives are the life of the party. They want to be social (and be the center of attention). They are endlessly positive and optimistic and are amazing at making friends and inspiring people. They are great at generating enthusiasm and momentum and are often very creative and colorful. They have an amazing ability to make anything fun and to make people laugh.
Expressives are rather forgetful and absent minded. They often have a poor attention to detail and an inability to focus or remember key facts. And Expressives often lack follow through, they will be excited to start something but will usually lose interest and might not finish.
Should Try:
If you are an Expressives you will most likely love videos and motivational talks or speeches. Uplifting videos and quotes as well as vision boards and future planning will also be very fun and effective. Journaling and affirmations will be very easy and enjoyable for you as well. Joining Facebook groups and masterminds, or having accountability partners can be a great way to keep you motivated and hold your focus. Attending live events and being a part of groups, or group coaching where you can share your stories and interact with others will be very effective and fun.
Should avoid:
Meditation and sitting quietly will not be easy, enjoyable, or productive, and may lead to frustration for you. Long courses (over 30 min in a session or lasting longer than 12 weeks), lectures, and power points will not be easy for you to enjoy or to learn from. Worksheets and assignments with checklists and tracking will not go over well either. Anything that is alone, quiet, or by yourself, will not be fun or productive for an Expressive who thrives on connection and can use some motivation and a push from others to follow through. Setting and tracking goals may be hard because you may lose interest part way through. Goal setting is always a good idea but focusing more on visualization and vision boards might work better than longer goal setting and tracking (over 2 or 3 months).
>Look for in person events, short videos and short books and resources that promote positivity, visualization and interaction!

Self-Improvement Resources for Analyticals
Data-based Introvert
Analyticals are often very creative and inventive and great with numbers and linear thinking. They are very orderly and organized and are often perfectionist. They set long term goals and stick to routines and tasks until complete. Not quick to speak, but slowly and deliberately come up with answers. Straight to the facts. Analyticals love lists, charts, graphs and figures and are very good at keeping track of details. They are very orderly and always organized.
Analyticals do not want anything too emotional or dramatic- just the facts. Analyticals have very high standards for themselves and others and are often too hard on themselves. This can lead to procrastination for fear of not being perfect. They also tend towards a pessimistic and skeptical view of the world.
Should try:
If you are an Analytical you should look for online courses that are a bit longer and full of detail (45 min sessions and lasting for more than 12 weeks). Because you love facts you will likely enjoy worksheets and homework that is detail oriented, so look for course with those resources. Habit tracking with spreadsheets will be great for you as well as any resources or books with recommendations and resources to back up what you are learning.
Should avoid:
Affirmations will not be very enjoyable unless they are very neutral affirmations, too much ‘fantasizing’ will not empower or excite you the way it might an Expressive. Reading will be preferred to videos and motivational content. Because Analyticals are data driven and like order and organization, courses and guided coaching will go over better than a self-paced course where you might procrastinate and not finish. Meditation will be one of the best method of self-improvement for an Analytical as will thought work.
>Look for mindset work, meditation, long data driven courses and books. And work on neutral thoughts, goal setting and tracking.
Self-Improvement Resources for Drivers
Data-driven Extrovert
Drivers are always achieving and succeeding. They are optimistic and outgoing. Drivers are often in charge and are often very competitive. Drivers have amazing follow through and can always be counted on to complete a task. In times of crisis Drivers take charge because they are decisive and get s#*t done.
Drivers are often compulsive and must change things that are out of place. People are often offended by Drivers and they are not always popular because they are bossy and always right. Drivers lack an attention to detail because it interferes with productivity. This can result in rushing through something and leaving out a critical detail for example. Because Drivers always think they are right they often are short sited and cannot see where they went wrong or how to fix it. This can keep them spinning their wheels, doing the same wrong things over and over again. They can also be rather impatient.
Should try:
DIY or self-paced courses will be perfect if you are a Driver. Drivers love and need to be able to do and read and finish things fast and not wait on others. Finding short, to the point courses or books with data to back it up (but not too much data or too long winded) is essential. Short videos and motivational talks or speeches will also be very effective in motivating and inspiring you. Future planning, goal setting, tracking, and rewards and public praise will be very effective as well. Journaling and affirmations will also be a good tool for you to use. Joining Facebook groups and masterminds, or having accountability partners will be very effective but only if you can be a leader or mentor.
Should avoid:
Meditation and sitting quietly will not be as enjoyable for you. Group coaching will also be hard because Drivers need things to be fast and efficient and watch out…you may try to take control! You should also avoid long courses (over 30 min), the courses need to be straight and to the point. Written resources are often better than video because you can skim them. Data driven courses, books and resources are good but ones that are too long and have too many facts and not enough results should be avoided.
>Try to find DIY courses and books that are results oriented.

Self-Improvement Resources for Amiables
Relationship-driven introvert
Amiable are amazingly flexible and calm. They are not emotional or explosive and help the other three temperaments to stay calm in tumultuous times. They are great at making friends and are very agreeable.
Amiables, are not easily excited or enthusiastic which can really hurt and deflate others. They have little need for entertainment and are often hard to get out of the house to do things. They could stay home all month if no one comes calling and drags them out.
Amiables are champion procrastinators. Their mantra could be “I’ll do it tomorrow”. They procrastinate in hopes of avoiding every having to do or make a decision. Amiables struggle with making decisions and taking responsibility for fear of making the wrong decision or upsetting someone in the process. Amiables also tend to be rather pessimistic and have a dry, sarcastic sense of humor.
Should try:
If you are an Amiable, you should try hands on or in person coaching to stay on track. You will likely enjoy live events, and mastermind or group settings for both accountability and engagement. Meditation and thought work may be great for an Amiable if you can stay focused. Any activity that involves fun and excitement without too much commitment will be great for you. That is why Live events and in-person group coaching or retreats would be THE BEST.
Should avoid:
Affirmations and positive thinking will not go over well, better to focus on neutral thoughts. Habit tracking and goal setting will not be very enjoyable, but some short lists and worksheets will be essential to keeping you on track. Long, online courses or long books should be avoided.
>Look for fun, in person events, short books and friends to help!
Self-improvement and self-help are all the rage and I am a huge fan BUT that doesn’t mean that every bit of advice out there is perfect or will work for you. Don’t be hard on yourself or frustrated when you read a book and it didn’t change your life like it did your friend. And don’t think there is something wrong with you if you can’t think positive and hate affirmations and vision boards but it worked for your sister.
YOU are unique and so is your self-improvement journey. Understanding your inherent tendencies, your unique strengths, weaknesses, and preferences is so important to finding the exact resources and path you need to become your best, Gutsiest self.
Keep trying and searching until you find the exact fit that is aligned with who you truly are and matches up with the unique gifts that YOU and only YOU possess.
Need help finding more self-improvement resources?
Check out my Kick-Ass Resources Page
What personal development/self-improvement resources have worked for you? What resources do you hate? Share your comments below so I can update the lists!

Thanks for sharing these resources for self improvement!
By the way, Summit Learning Institute is a premium platform from where you can take self improvement courses. Highly recommended.
Thank you for sharing!
I really enjoyed reading your blog on “HOW TO TACKLE SELF-IMPROVEMENT RESOURCES.” Your insights are not only informative but also incredibly motivating. Your ability to break down the complex process of self-improvement into actionable steps is truly impressive. Keep up the great work, and thank you for sharing your wisdom with us!
Thank you! I am so glad that you found it informative!
Your dedication to personal growth is truly inspiring. Keep up the fantastic work!
Fantastic resource list for self-improvement! Your suggestions cover all aspects of growth, from mindset to productivity. This collection makes it easy to find tools and strategies for continuous personal development. Thanks for sharing!
I am so glad that you found it helpful!