The Gutsy Life – Amanda Richey Life Coach

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How to Deal with Your Stress

how to deal with stress

Advice from a Life Coach and the Book Burnout by Emily and Amelia Nagoski Stress gets a lot of attention these days. The medical community is beginning to realize that stress is at the root of most of our leading causes of death around the world: heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, eating disorders, suicide, the […]

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How to Be Present Over Perfect

Present Over Perfect review

A Review of the Book Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequest This book changed me. I read it at the start of my unraveling and then again at the end. This book, Untamed, and Wintering were the anthems of my unraveling, or possibly my becoming. I was searching for a way to put into words […]

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My own Winter and a Review of the Book by Katherine May

Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times by Katherine May As the English writer Katherine May illuminates in her beautiful, meditative book, wintering is at once a season of the natural world, a respite our bodies require, and a state of mind. Katherine May is an English writer and author of several […]

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The Truth of Living the Untamed Life – It Takes Guts

Living the untamed life takes guts

Have you read Glennon Doyle’s newest book, Untamed? It is incredible! A rallying cry for all women (and men) to live their truest life, without apologies or explanations. Because when we are true to ourselves, the whole world benefits. This is a hard reality to accept. As women we have been conditioned to believe that […]

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How to Deal with Negative Emotions

This is the Part Where You Embrace the Suck We are often faced with the question: how do I deal with negative emotions? When things are hard, you are experiencing negative emotions, and changing your thoughts is not enough, two tools that will help you are: 1. Embrace the suck and 2. Remind yourself that […]

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The Gutsy Journey

the gutsy journey

My Gutsy Journey: I just finished coaching school and I am feeling on top of the world, as well as all the doubt and impostor syndrome and fear of a new career, business, etc. I was looking back at my journal from this exact day last year and the entry was: I am afraid to […]

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Four Podcasts to Listen to Right Now


I have a list for you of the four podcasts you should stop what you are doing and listen to right now. I don’t know about you, but I have always found podcasts to be a positive way to spend my time while I’m driving, doing dishes, running, etc. I love listening to music as […]

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