Understanding the four personality types and your own strengths and weaknesses is paramount to getting out of your own way. Fist take the Personality Purpose Test HERE to know where you fall between the 4 personality types I am a Driver/Expressive and in a former life, I was in a job that required attention […]
How to Tackle Self-Improvement Resources
Self-Improvement Resources for the Four Personality Types I know a lot of people out there who would love to work on their mindset, crush some goals, and get out of their own way, but the resources they find to help them just don’t work. The truth is; there are lots of self-improvement resources out there […]
How to Deal with Your Stress
Advice from a Life Coach and the Book Burnout by Emily and Amelia Nagoski Stress gets a lot of attention these days. The medical community is beginning to realize that stress is at the root of most of our leading causes of death around the world: heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, eating disorders, suicide, the […]
The Truth About Boundaries- What They Are and How to Define Them
While diving into my summer of radical self-love, I came to the realization that boundaries are a vital part of self-love, and that I didn’t know the truth about boundaries, about what they are, or how to define them. If there’s one thing I’ve learned on my journey of self-growth, it’s that whenever a concept […]
What is Radical Self-Love and How to Create More of It
What is radical self-love? I have been asking myself that for the last year. It has taken me that long to write this post. I have been struggling for the better part of a year with a sense of self. With how to love myself really. What I have come to realize is that I […]
How to Be Present Over Perfect
A Review of the Book Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequest This book changed me. I read it at the start of my unraveling and then again at the end. This book, Untamed, and Wintering were the anthems of my unraveling, or possibly my becoming. I was searching for a way to put into words […]
My own Winter and a Review of the Book by Katherine May
Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times by Katherine May As the English writer Katherine May illuminates in her beautiful, meditative book, wintering is at once a season of the natural world, a respite our bodies require, and a state of mind. Katherine May is an English writer and author of several […]
The Truth of Living the Untamed Life – It Takes Guts
Have you read Glennon Doyle’s newest book, Untamed? It is incredible! A rallying cry for all women (and men) to live their truest life, without apologies or explanations. Because when we are true to ourselves, the whole world benefits. This is a hard reality to accept. As women we have been conditioned to believe that […]
How to Deal with Negative Emotions
This is the Part Where You Embrace the Suck We are often faced with the question: how do I deal with negative emotions? When things are hard, you are experiencing negative emotions, and changing your thoughts is not enough, two tools that will help you are: 1. Embrace the suck and 2. Remind yourself that […]
The Gutsy Journey
My Gutsy Journey: I just finished coaching school and I am feeling on top of the world, as well as all the doubt and impostor syndrome and fear of a new career, business, etc. I was looking back at my journal from this exact day last year and the entry was: I am afraid to […]