The Gutsy Life – Amanda Richey Life Coach

Ready to Crush Your Goals?

I can help you ACTUALLY achieve your goals with confidence and ease in as little as 3 months


Reflections on My Decade in Review Exercise

I just completed my Decade in Review Workbook and I wanted to post some reflections I had on the whole process and why I created the Workbook the way I did. To get an in depth breakdown on how to do a Decade in review Check out this post. And to Get the Gutsy Life […]

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Observations vs. Expectations

I had a realization today in a coaching session. I was asked to rank myself, or my satisfaction, in 12 key areas of my life on a scale from 1 to 10. Sitting there looking at these areas of my life made me realize I there was quite an imbalance in my life regarding these […]

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My Reflections on an Abundance Mindset

I set out to write a post about abundance and I realized I still had work to do with my limiting beliefs. I realized that they are very close; you cannot have an abundance mindset if you let your limiting beliefs define you. Limiting beliefs come from a scarcity mindset. Understanding the concept of a […]

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Trust the Process

Coach’s Corner November 26, 2019 I have decided it would be good to start documenting and sharing my journey to becoming a life coach; what I am learning in school, what that is showing me about myself, what I am struggling with throughout the process, what starting a business is like and all of the […]

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Life is too Short so Love the One You Got

Three Things to Learn About Life From Loss What can I say…I love Sublime (I’m a California girl after all). But I would change it to Life is too short so Make the one you got what you love. Life’s too short so MAKE the one you got what you love I want to share […]

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Why I love the Word Gutsy-and so should you

This post may contain affiliate links. Gutsy- Why should you love this word?I have been really excited lately about starting coaching school and getting my website and blog off the ground. I have been working on finding my voice, or to be more specific; who I am and who I want to help. I know […]

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