The Secret is in Your Brain Introduction: Forming good habits and ditching bad ones is all about understanding your brain. Your brain is hardwired for survival. In survival mode, the brain focuses on 1) Conserving as much energy as possible and 2) Scanning the world for any possible threat to that survival. Very noble of […]
Goal Setting Perspective
The Infinite First Step The first step is the hardest, the rest will follow We often think that making a goal and then only following through 20% of the time is not even worth it. That having a meal plan and then only sticking to it a few nights a week is a failure, or […]
Goal Setting 101. Six Easy Steps
Six Steps to Achieve Your Goals You have the ability to achieve your goals! But I know, goal setting is hard. Changing your life is hard. Setting goals can feel overwhelming, let alone actually accomplishing said goals, especially when you have tried over and over again with less than exciting results. Over the […]
The One Thing Keeping You Stuck in Life
Does this sound familiar? You feel stuck in life. You are in a rut. Maybe you come home at night feeling drained by the daily grind and you can’t bear to admit that you are just going through the motions, instead of living a life that lights you up. Or you climb into your car […]
Find Your Why: Personal Goal Setting Tips
Introduction Goal setting has many parts: Getting your mindset in order, getting mighty clear on the who/what/where/when/whys of the goal, getting accountable, and understanding the emotion behind your goal. BUT, I would argue that before you have any of these figured out, you must find your why. You must get sooooo crystal clear on WHY […]
How to Reflect on Your Year
A Birthday Year in Review What is a Year in Review? What is this practice of a year in review? It’s a way to reflect on your year and your life to see where you have been, what you’ve done, and the lessons that you can learn. It is a way to understand where you […]
Your Brain, Willpower, Motivation and Limiting Beliefs
How Your Brain is Keeping You From Going For It in Life Understanding how your brain works is hugely important if you want to go for it in life, overcome your limiting beliefs, increase your willpower, and motivation, and step through fear to live the Gutsy Life. That is why I am diving into the […]
Impossible Goals
I have been writing a series all about goal setting now that we are into the new year and resolution go time. I have been looking into mindset and the brain and how that inhibits or allows us to achieve our goals. The key I have discovered is that no matter the goal, the […]
Who do You Have To BE to Achieve Your Goals?
It is the third week in January…and you know what that means? Most people have already given up on their New Year’s Resolutions! It sounds crazy that after such a short time people would have already given up, but I understand…I am all ready feeling the enormity of my goals and the excitement has […]
Get to Know Yourself with the Four Dominant Personality Types
Who doesn’t love a Quiz, am I right?! Especially one that identifies your dominant personality type! I know there are tons of quizzes out there about personalities: Which Disney Princess you are, or what Marvel superhero you are most like… All joking aside, knowing your inherent tendencies and the unique mix of strengths and weaknesses […]